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The Village Support Project:

Founded in 2010, SWALPVIRAM aims to promote a sustainable agriculture-based economy among the tribal population in the poorest parts of Maharashtra. The absence of irrigation, basic infrastructure, lack of reach to the niche customers and lack/excess of monsoon has led to crop failure and forced farmers to shift from Organic to Inorganic. Swalpviram aims to encourage the small scale farmers to continue with their Organic farming by helping them to create a customer base which respects Purity and Chemical free produce.


They have been supporting villages with smallholding farmers to grow more Organic produce with the skills that they behold since centuries now, along with giving them way forward to utilize the produce to manufacture Pure food products for the Health conscious ones. This gives these organic farmers a higher price for their produce. This way they have supported more than 500 organic farmers who have been helping us with the Organic raw ingredients for our product line at Crashola. Their mission is to help these farmers practice sustainable farming and also ensure that they have sustainable income sources.





Swalpviram is also working towards creating water resources and basic infrastructure and education that help farmers in India along with creating a customer base for the produce on a regular basis. This will help the Organic farmers to continue without Fertilizers and Pesticides and they need not think of mass production for a living. The farmers are also encouraged to produce products which are rarely found in the supermarkets. Catering to the niche markets which appreciates quality and rarity has now boosted the confidence of small farmers to retain traditional aspects in agriculture. This will also assure a sustainable source of income from farming for the small scale farmers.

Swalpviram is also working for the betterment of the remote village called Charanwadi. This village with only 43 families is located within 100 kms from Mumbai but is located at a very remote location without basic facilities to this small village. Every basic need which we fulfil with an extreme ease in the city has been a challenge for these villagers. Swalpviram has worked on improvement of Education, Water supply, and other Basic infrastructure in the village. They also arrange for regular health checkups campaigns with proper guidance to the villagers to improve their lifestyle. Time and again, there are donation camps for the Crashola customers, wherein they can donate food, clothing, books or whatever that they wish for the Villagers through their own hands and experience the joy of Giving in this remote village.

Education for the needy by Swalpviram


Your Support along with the embedded Trust and Confidence in Crashola encourages us to further bring smiles to the Hardworking farmers in small towns.

Every time you buy from us, you contribute towards better Atmosphere, better Soil, better lifestyle for women in our villages and a Secured Rural Livelihoods.

All rights Reserved - Crashola 2021

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