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5 Health Effects of Processed Foods

The world is shifting to processed foods from whole foods for its convenience but this convenience is coming with an invitation to certain ailments.

1. Increased Risks of Cancer

People who consume processed foods may have an increased risk of Cancer. Certain synthetic chemicals like preservatives and emulsifiers and other such chemicals used in the ingredients are known to have carcinogenic properties.

2. Obesity and Diabetes The lack of nutrients & fibre in processed foods results in weight gain. The processed foods are also very high in sugar which short circuits the brain to ask you to stop eating resulting into obesity. Also the high content of sugar can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels & also have devastating effects on your Metabolism & Digestive system.sw2

3. Shorter Life Span & Faster Ageing

A study reveals that the people who eat home cooked food for 5 times in a week and lessen processed foods intake are 47% more likely to be alive for 10 more years than the ones who consume processed foods regularly. Processed foods also increase inflammation which is also associated with Aging. Eg:- Processed meats, Processed butter, Refined Oils, Chips and many more

4. Damages the Kidney

Our kidneys generally balance the amount of sodium in our body for maintaining good health. When our body’s sodium is low, the kidneys then hold onto the sodium. When body sodium is high, our kidneys flush out the excess sodium along with urine. If for some reason our kidneys do not eliminate this excess sodium, then it gets along with blood and increases the blood volume as sodium is also known to attract and hold water. This in turn also increases the pressure on the heart & arteries. Regular consumption of processed foods which are high in salt and additives that contain sodium may result in Chronic Kidney Diseases.

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