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5 Foods that are Heart Healthy

The eminent quote, “Prevention is Better than Cure”, walks in as the fundamental precept to follow when it comes to the health of your Heart. Your Everyday Diet is one of the fastest ways to make your Heart beat to its fullest. Ill Eating Habits, combined with a sedentary lifestyle can deplete your overall health rapidly, predominantly affecting the functioning of your heart. With technologies taking over the Food Industry, it has become crucial on our part as consumers to find pure and genuine food products in the market. While there are several superfoods that boost the functioning of your Heart from the organic sources, we’ve closely picked 5 of them that can comfortably be incorporated in your Daily Meals & Routine.

1. Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds are reputedly known for their adequate content of Alpha-Linoleic Acid (ALA) (Omega-3), that’s seldom found in other common foods. Flaxseeds have been clinically tested to determine that regular consumption of Omega-3 Fatty Acids through Flaxseeds work on reduction of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol. Higher LDL levels increase the risks for atherosclerotic diseases (i.e. Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke). The daily consumption of Omega-3 Fatty Acids through Flaxseeds can help in preventing Heart Diseases, and clearing arteries, further preventing major surgeries at a subsequent stage. Flaxseeds can be consumed in all forms, i.e. raw flaxseeds, ground flaxseeds and flaxseed oil. Given that Flaxseed oil is sensitive to heat and light, it is best when stored in a dark glass bottle in a Refrigerator.

An important point to note is that while a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds contains 1.6 grams of Alpha-Linoleic Acid, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil contains 7 grams. It is recommended to avoid consumption of roasted and salted flaxseeds, as they’re devoid of nutrients after its exposure to heat.

Regular consumption of flax seeds has abundant benefits on the overall health, some being:

  • Lowers LDL Cholesterol

  • Controls Blood Sugar

  • Maintains a healthy Heart

  • Boosts Brain Function

  • Maintains Skin

Green Amla

Green Amla, the Indian Gooseberry, takes its significance back to the early days of Ayurveda, as an herb that rejuvenates (rasayana). It is loaded with nutrients, primarily with exceptional values of Vitamin A, B & C, Manganese, Iron, Calcium, Chromium and Phosphorus. It also provides our body with the antioxidants, Ellagic Acid and Gallic Acid, along with Corilagin and Quercetin and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Amla Juice contains 20 times more Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) than Orange Juice. Notably, the Vitamin C that the Amla fruit contains is maintained by the presence of tannins, which help it to maintain its Vitamin content even through processing.

Antioxidants are appointed to keep harmful free radicals away and to restrict the growth of Carcinogens. Green Amla flushes out toxins from the body in turn purifying Blood and increasing Haemoglobin and Red Blood Cells (RBC) Counts. Green Amla can be consumed in all forms, mainly as a juice, to obtain the maximum benefits from it. Including Amla in your daily routine can boost ideal functioning of your body and your heart. As Amla is a seasonal fruit, it can be procured in its powder form for continued usage.

Spinach Leaves

Spinach, being a very commonly available leafy vegetable, is quite well accepted for its Nourishing Values. It is laden with essential nutrients like Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene and Folate. These nutrients collectively work on preventing oxidised cholesterol from building up in the walls of our blood vessels. Folate on the other hand also works, along with Betaine and Vitamin B6, to lower the Serum Levels of Harmful Amino Acid, Homocysteine, and also in Red Blood Cells (RBC) formation. Researches have suggested that daily consumption of Spinach could reduce a person’s risk of Heart Disease and Stroke by about 20%. Additionally, the Magnesium and Potassium in Spinach also significantly work on lowering Blood Pressure and risks of Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke.

Spinach Leaves are available all-round the year, making it very easily accessible and can be comfortably added to your daily diet in the form of salads, smoothies and more.

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