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Frequently Questions we get Asked

# Who are you? How Did you Start? Why do you do What you do?

We Live in a world where Our Food is making us Sick, Tired and Overweight.

Most BIG Brands design their food products to be Addictive...

So that we consume Unhealthy Ingredients over and over again...


  • Harmful Chemicals Contaminating our Food aren’t Labelled

  • Processing with so many Chemicals is kept Secret

  • Product Labels are Lying

  • Our Foods are Pumped with Cheap Additives and Preservatives that are Banned in Other Countries


With so many processed foods on shelves having larger ingredients as Chemicals, most BIG Brands don’t value our Health over Profits. They use deceptive marketing practices to trick customers into thinking that their food is something that it’s actually not.

They treat the Indian Population differently than their foreign counterparts. This has thus led us to adjust and forget the Real food.

And this is not Okay. And Hence we started with Crashola


We at Crashola create Authentic Food Products that we wished to find in Stores for Years..

Crashola is Managed by the Husband-wife Duo Chirag & Shivani who are Nature Lovers grown up in the City of Mumbai. The duo now aims to assist you to switch to Natural Food products with Traditional Significance to attain the Best of Health for you and your Loved Ones.

We at Crashola combine Natural Ingredients & Ancient Wisdom. You will only find Real Food Here and Nothing More.

At Crashola, our Priority is Complete Ingredient Transparency.

We believe in Real food without added Chemicals backed By our Traditional Heritage.

Products without Toxins & Labels without Lies.

We will be Transparent with our Customers and pick the Best Ingredients available, Always...

# How are you different from other Brands Available in the Market? 

Why Should we Buy a Crashola Product?

Most Brands don’t value your Health over Profits. They use deceptive marketing practices to trick customers into thinking their food is something that it’s actually not.


We believe in Real Food without added chemicals & Inherent Health Benefits backed by our Traditional Heritage. We have Products without Toxins & Labels without Lies. Our products are 100% natural without any chemicals used and are highly nutritious. Our methods are based on ancient wisdom and traditional techniques.  And to add to your convenience, we deliver them to your doorstep.


And We believe you deserve products with High Quality, Clean Ingredients that are Free of Harmful Chemicals, Cheap Additives and Preservatives.

We test our products for Heavy Metals and other Quality Parameters Regularly.

Since we use the highest-quality, REAL FOOD ingredients, you can taste the difference on the First Use itself - and we have over 20,000 customers who have experienced the same.

Buying a Crashola product means joining in the celebration of the Eat Right Initiative with helping Organic farmers and supporting a local village community in a Big way. We are not one bit of a mass production company. Most importantly, mass produced may come cheap on the wallet but there is a steep price that we as a race have been paying by Hurting the Animals, Environment and playing around with Seeds by genetic modifications for cheaper produce. This is the price of systematically destroying our Health and our Ecosystem.

Crashola Products are Natural & Organic products without any use of chemicals and preservatives or any chemical flours, additives, stabilizers etc.

You buying Crashola is also helping the Charanwadi Village with Basic Infrastructure, Education facilities in this very small village within 100 Kms from Mumbai.

We also conduct various Health seminars where our focus is never to sell our products but to give you valuable insights which help you in your journey to Good Health. We have done such seminars in various Corporates and Groups. We believe in sharing Traditional insights which should be passed further to the newer generations.

# What is wood pressed oil?

Wood pressing is a 5000 year old traditional method in Ayurveda for extraction of Cooking oils. In this method, the seeds are crushed between a rotating wooden vessel and a wooden pestle at a slow speed. This crushing of seeds after a substantial time gives us the purest form of cooking oil. In the olden days, bullocks used to rotate the vessel however today motors are used to rotate the vessel.


# How is the process of wood pressing different from that of Refined Oils?

The extraction of Refined oils takes place at a temperature which is more than 250˚C alongwith the help of solvents & chemicals for maximum extraction of oils. This extracted oil is not marketable due to heat and these chemicals and hence, a series of processes are performed to make it marketable enough. The refined oils undergo through Distillation, Degumming, Neutralization, Deacidification, Bleaching, De-odorisation and Preservative addition.

However, woodpressed oils do not undergo any of these processes and are completely free from any chemicals and preservatives.

Wood pressed oils are thicker and lighter and expand on heating and hence are consumed 30-40% lesser than any refined oils and hence cost effective.


# What are the benefits of Wood pressed oils?

Wood pressed oils being the purest forms of fats restore your digestive system and aids digestion and metabolism. Wood pressed oils also have their own original Taste, Aroma and also Retains the highest Nutritional values in comparison to Refined & Filtered oils. And not to forget, the woodpressed oils are free from chemicals and preservatives and hence are a boon to our health.


# Why do wood pressed oils Foam on high heating?

As the wood pressed oils are pure and do not undergo Machine filtration process which heats the oils in the refinement process above the smoke (Boiling) point of the oils, Foaming is a natural phenomenon and is in fact a PROOF of its Purity stating that there were no chemicals like antifoaming agents used in their making. We only perform Manual filtration process by settling the oils under gravity for 6 to 7 days. Thus these oils are a little Thicker and full of Nutritive Values. Thus Quantity Required for Cooking is less as Compared to Refined oil. In case of you wish to lower the foaming of oils, then just Take a Ball of Tamarind and fry it for 10 secs and remove it. The foaming will reduce drastically. This is the most natural way to control foaming in oils.

# Why did refined oils come into the market?  Why are oils extracted chemically when it can be extracted naturally?

  1. They are more than 50% cheaper alternatives to pure oils due to use of chemicals.

  2. Wood pressing can be done in small batches only whereas Refinement can happen on a large scale. (Wood pressing will yield around 5 litres of oil in a single batch of 1.5 hours whereas Refinement process will yield more than 1000 litres in 1.5 hours)

  3. Refinement can use low quality oil seeds as they are eventually neutralized however wood pressing will require good quality of seeds.

  4. Blending of Cheap imported palm oils and cottonseed oils to save manufacturing costs.

  5. Extraction of oil from rice bran, cotton seed, Soyabean etc is not possible in wood pressing. These oils weren’t even prevalent 40 years ago. Refinement allows extraction of oil through such seeds too which makes the final product economical.

# Why should we avoid Refined Oils and Switch to Woodpressed oils?

Neither do we need to store our oils for more than 6 months nor do we need to consume chemicals unnecessarily. Eating less processed foods always keeps us healthy and hence shifting from chemicals to Woodpressed oils will help us achieve our health goals.


# Why do wood pressed oils Foam on high heating?

As the wood pressed oils are pure and do not undergo Machine filtration process which heats the oils in the refinement process above the smoke (Boiling) point of the oils, Foaming is a natural phenomenon and is in fact a PROOF of its Purity stating that there were no chemicals like antifoaming agents used in their making. We only perform Physical filtration process by settling the oils under gravity for 6 to 7 days. Thus these oils are a little Thicker and full of Nutritive Values. Thus Quantity Required for Cooking is less as Compared to Refined oil.


# Why is wood used in extraction?

Wood has a property of absorbing heat. When the seeds are crushed in the wooden churner, the heat generated due to friction is absorbed by the wood keeping the oil at the room Temperature. It is due to this wood that the oil is extracted at a temperature lesser than 40 degrees which helps it retain the Maximum Nutrition and gives us the best quality of oil. Wood churning does not extract the complete oil from the seeds and hence the oils are expensive than the ones extracted in metal churners and Refining process.


# Can we use these oils for external application too?

Yes, the oils being 100% pure can always be used for external application too along with consumption.


# How do I Choose a Cooking oil for myself? What should I consider apart from the Benefits and uses?

Choose and oil for which the seeds are grown within 200 kms of radius around you. Seeds those are local to you. The fact that nature accepts them in your climatic condition, you body will too. It can be Coconut oil if you are on Coastal Regions or South of India. It can be Groundnut or Safflower or Sesame oil if you are in East/ West Part of India. It can be Mustard Oil if you are in Northern part India. Choose the main Cooking oil as your everyday oil and add others like Flax Seed oil and Almond Oils in your diet to get optimum nutrition.


You can keep switching oils every 3 months to get the best of the health benefits from variety of oil seeds.

Choose any of the above way


# Why are wood pressed oils more expensive than refined oils?

There is a many reasons why they are expensive. The wood pressed process itself is a very labour-intensive one using simple devices without external heat or chemicals. The oil that is extracted from the parent seeds is only around 35 to 40%. But 100% of nutrients and natural aroma are maintained in these oils. On the other side, Refined oils are extracted at high heat temperatures that go up to 250˚C and use solvents like hexane to extract nearly 99% of oils from the seeds to make it economical. In this chemical processing, compromising on quality and health gives you better pricing but invite disadvantages too.More and more chemicals are used to cover these disadvantages. Every bit of the seed is exploited which makes the process a lot cheaper finally. But natural nutrients in Refined oils are lost, properties of the oils are altered, and finally the oil is deodorized to make it smell like what is expected.

In wood pressing, the oils may seem expensive but actually they are in line with the costings of the refined oils as the quantity required for Woodpressed oils in a month is much lesser than that of refined oils. This makes it worth the investment on your Healthy family. On spending that little extra, you get pure oils along with the best of health benefits always. This not only saves you from long Hospital bills but also gives you a peaceful life. We at CRASHOLA are not trying to make Cheap oils for mass consumption, in fact we focus on the Health more than any other brand and give you the best of the value for the money that you invest in your health. CRASHOLA is for the Health Conscious ones who make that extra effort to stay healthy. For more information, kindly click on the link. Download our Free Handbook on Cooking Oils.


# Which is the Best Wood pressed Cooking Oil? Is it Groundnut Oil or Coconut Oil or Sesame Oil? Which One?

There is no such oil which is the best. All oils have their own benefits and Properties. However you can decide which oil will be better for you depending on various properties. Let us learn more about each oil.

  1. Groundnut Oil: This is the most Widely used in Indian Cooking and is one of the Healthiest Oils that we have due to their balanced Mono and Poly Unsaturated Fats. Very convenient to use in Regular Cooking, Sauteing, Deep Frying, Salad Dressing. Groundnut Oil can be used at any time in the year. It is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which are found in very few sources and are known for regulating inflammatory processes in the body. The Ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is optimum in our Groundnut Oil.

  2. Coconut Oil: This one is digested very easily and hence is a preferred version for Weight Loss. It has a strong flavour and aroma which isloved by many. Coconut oil has a high smoke point and can be used for Regular Cooking, Sauteing, Deep Frying, Baking. It is a preferred option by the Non vegetarians for its Flavour. Coconut Oil prevents Acidity and Constipation problems. Coconut Oil is good for somebody with Dementia, Hair and Skin Problems. Coconut oil can also be used externally on your skin as the best natural moisturizer and on your scalp for great nourishment. It is also used for Oil Pulling for Great Dental Benefits.

  3. Sesame Oil: This one tops the List in Benefits in Ayurveda. Sesame oil is very beneficial for your Health and has a good balance of Mono and Poly unsaturated fatty acids. Sesame oil is rich in Zinc, Antioxidants and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is good for your Heart. Sesame oil can be used Regular Cooking, Sauteing, Deep Frying. Mostly it is preferred to use Sesame oil in Monsoon and Winter Season. Topical application relieves joint pains and arthritis.

  4. Safflower Oil: Safflower Oil has a bland Taste and very less aroma. It is rich in Omega 6 Fatty acids. This one is good if you are more into deep frying. There is very light absorption in food. If you wish to consume this oil, then you should also consider adding Flax Seed oil to your diet for maintaining the Omega 3 fatty acids.

  5. Mustard oil: This one is known for its Strong flavour, Pungent Aroma and high smoke point. Its often used for Sautéing and Stir frying. Mustard oil is rich in Mono unsaturated fatty acids known for its heart health benefits. Mustard oil has Omega 3 fatty acids and have a high smoke point too. Topical use of Mustard oil is beneficial for Skin and hair problems. Mustard oil is known for benefiting muscle health. This one is preferred in Winters and in cold places.

  6. Mamra Almond Oil: Firstly these oils are extracted from Mamra variety of Almonds which are known for its benefits. They are sparsely found unlike the Californian almonds. It can be consumed raw or added to milk, smoothies, etc for the best benefits. 1 piece of Mamra Almond is equivalent to 8 Californian almonds and hence pricey. Mamra Almond oil has very high nutrition compared to other almond oils and is one of the best for Growing Kids and Women. Mamra Almond are known for being rich in Riboflacin (Vitamin B2) and Valproate and Zing, Magnesium and many other minerals that are best for Brain development. Mamra Almond oil is good for preventing Alzheimers, Parkinsons any other Brain related diseases.

  7. Flax Seed Oil: This one cannot be used in Heat. You cannot cook in this oil as it has a very low smoke point. Also flax seed oil is rich in omega 3s making it the best addition for a heart healthy diet. Flax seed oil has proven benefits to reduce cancer cell growth and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is used in its Raw form for direct consumption or Dressing your salads or adding to your milk, smoothies, Shakes and juices. Flax seed oil has anti-aging properties along with many anti-oxidants. Consuming flax seed oil is very much beneficial to maintain a healthy Omega 3 levels for which most of vegetarians and Vegans are deficient. Omega 3s are found very sparsely in Vegetarian sources and hence including Flax seed oil in your diet is the easiest and the best way to increase nutrition in your diet. One Tablespoon of flax seed oil is enough to give you daily necessary Omega 3s. This way you can avoid taking expensive Non Vegetarian Omega 3 supplements in the form of Krill oil or Fish Oil. Its a Must add to our daily routines.

  8. Niger seed Oil: This oil is a substitute to Olive oil with a Good flavour and can be used for Direct Consumptions, Salad dressings, Regular cooking, Stir frying, Sautéing and external applications too. This oil is full of nutrients and has a non acidic stability which makes this oil very healthy for regular use. Niger seed oil is rich in minerals like calcium, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, as well as traces of copper which are important for health. Niger seed oil has a great traditional significance in Naturopathy and is well known for its healing properties and is also known as a natural cure for Rheumatism. This oil can also assist in weight gain and hence should be used in moderation. This oil is very good for your skin conditions. Niger seed oil is also used for massages and is an effective reliever of aches and pains. This oil is a altogether a good choice in the kitchen.

  9. Castor Oil: This oil cannot be used for cooking and in fact more than 3 Teaspoons of this oil can be poisonous. It is well known as a natural laxative helping the movements of the bowels in your intestines. Castor oil can relieve constipation and is considered safe for consumption in small quantities. Castor oil can be externally used on Hair and scalp and shows excellent results on dandruff and Hair loss and is known to promote Hair growth. This oil if applied on skin for a couple of hours is also a good moisturizer.

If you did not find the answer to your question then contact us on or call us at +91 99202 71926

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